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The launch of our monthy Product Update video!

You may have noticed from our Twitter stream and Facebook page, we recently launched our product update video. This monthly Youtube video titled, “Product Updates in 60 Seconds,” will be a recap of new features developed by our hard-working and dedicated team of engineers. We are committed to begin contributing to the online meeting community [...]

Applying Social Proof To Your Webinars

What is Social Proof?
“Since 95% of people are imitators and only 5% initiators, people are persuaded more by the actions of others than by any proof we can offer.” Cavett Robert
Social proof is defined as a psychological phenomenon that assumes surrounding people possess more knowledge about a certain situation or a problem and therefore they [...]

Cost and Price are not Interchangeable

Cost and Price are not Interchangeable
In every day speaking, there is often confusion in the understanding of the difference between price and cost. What is the difference between cost and price?
According to the Oxford English dictionary, price is the amount of money expected, required or given in payment for something, while cost is the total [...]