The omNovia Rooms API is a webservice used to view a list of your rooms, make changes to all or some of the room settings, as well as make individual changes to the guest password, and retreive the guest password.
Note: You will need to have a skilled web programmer who has a strong knowledge of programming languages such as PHP in order to implement these APIs.
General information and base sample code
Each of the API calls described below are able to be made via URL (GET) or CURL (POST).
$cID = 1234; //Found in Modify Organization Settings section of the admin page $cPW = 'password'; //Found in Modify Organization Settings section of the admin page $params = array('cID' => $cID, 'cPW' => $cPW, . . . ); $url = ""; function callRemote($url, $params, $returnResponse = true) { $c = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, $returnResponse); $response = curl_exec($c); curl_close($c); if ($returnResponse) return $response; }
Get Room List
This method allows you to see the list of rooms for a given company.
URL Call:
URL Parameters:
GET or POST Parameters: Required: (int) cID (company ID)
(str) cPW (company password)
Sample Output:
<root> <room> <roomID><![CDATA[1234]]></roomID> <name><![CDATA[room1]]></name> </room> </root>
Get Room Settings
This method allows you to see the list of rooms for a given company.
URL Call:
URL Parameters:
GET or POST Parameters: Required: (int) cID (company ID)
(str) cPW (company password)
(int) rID (room ID)
Sample Output: (a full list of settings is return. For details, please see the update function)
<root> <param>askPhone = 0</param> <param>twoWindows = -1</param> . . . </root>
Get Guest Password
This method allows you to retrieve the guest password for a given room.
URL Call:
URL Parameters:
GET or POST Parameters: Required: (int) cID (company ID)
(str) cPW (company password)
(int) rID (room ID)
Sample Output:
<root> <roomPassword> <password><![CDATA[password1]]></password> </roomPassword> </root>
Update Guest Password
This allows you to change the guest password for a given room.
URL Call: &rPW=thenewpassword
URL Parameters:
GET or POST Parameters: Required: (int) cID (company ID)
(str) cPW (company password)
(int) rID (room ID)
(str) rPW (room password)
Sample Output:
<root> <status><![CDATA[Success]]></status> </root>
Update Room Settings
This method allows you to update multiple room settings of an existing room.
URL Call: ... (see list of parameters below)
URL Parameters:
GET or POST Parameters: Required: (int) cID (company ID) (str) cPW (company password) (int) rID (room ID) Optional: (str) name (str) shorturl (room's shorturl -- must be unique to the shorturls of other rooms for your company) (str) password (str) announcement (0,1) askPhone (0,1) askEmail (0,1) twoWindows (0-2) appShare (0 = off; 1 = on left; 2 = on right) (0-2) slideShow (0 = off; 1 = on left; 2 = on right) (0-2) whiteBoard (0 = off; 1 = on left; 2 = on right) (0-2) coBrowser (0 = off; 1 = on left; 2 = on right) (0-2) moviePlayer (0 = off; 1 = on left; 2 = on right) (0-2) liveVideo (0 = off; 1 = on left; 2 = on right) (0-2) notes (0 = off; 1 = on left; 2 = on right) (0-2) survey (0 = off; 1 = on left; 2 = on right) (0,1) lockTabs (0,1) sharedFolderTab (0,1) twitterTab (0,1) isDefaultPrivatized (0-3) usersPMPreference (0 = none; 1 = to mods; 2 = to attendees; 3 = to all) (0-2) announcementMode (0 = announcements off; 1 = normal display; 2 = side by side) (0,1) audioAnnouncement (Audio Notifications - Announcement) (0,1) audioSurvey (Audio Notifications - Instant Poll) (0,1) audioChatNotification (Audio Notifications - Any New Chat Message) (0,1) audioPM (Audio Notifications - Private Messaging) (0,1) audioOperChat (Audio Notifications - Presenter / Mod Chat Message) (0,1) audioEnterNotice (Audio Notifications - Entrance Notices) (0,1) audioOnProjection (Audio Notifications - Projection Start) (0,1) noSelectText (0-2) statusSelector (0 = no status selector; 1 = simple statuses; 2 = full status selector (int) closeRoomAfter (0,1) showNbUsersToAll (0-2) usersListPreference (0 = only mods can see user list; 1 = mods / presenters can see list; 2 = Everyone sees list) (0,1) showOnlyFirstName (str) timeZoneName (Click to see values) (0,1) useAMPM (0-3) showTopBanner (0 = dont show banner; 1 = left justified; 2 = centered; 3 = right justified) - Required if you upload a 'topBanner' (0,1) lockCollapse (0,1) hideMediaTabs (0,1,2,3) audioChat (0 = disabled; 1 = Chat Only; 2 = Q&A Only; 3 = Chat and Q&A) (1,2,3,5) chatPosition (1 = under list; 2 = Left; 3 = Right; 5 = Extended) (str) customChatName1 (entering a name enables the public Alt Chat Tab.) (str) customChatName2 (entering a name enables the private Alt Chat Tab, only for moderators and presenters.) (0,1) history (str) welcomeMsg (str) eCurtainText (str) marketingURL If you upload an image using 'marketingImage', you must set a value for this field. (str) endMarketingURL (0,1) useSSL 1 = use HTTPS to load the room, 0 = use HTTP only. (str) APInotifyURI URL called when room ends. (see more info here) (str) APIUserNotifyURI URL called when a user enters / exits the room. (see more info here) (num) skin_id (1=gray(default), 2=blue, 3=orange, 4=gray and red, 6=black, 7=white and green, 109=blue and white, 132=pink, 133=azure) (1-4) zoneID Server farms to use: 1=US; 2=Europe; 3=Asia; 4=Australia (0-1) showHelpIcon whether to show the green help (?) icon or not (0-1) recordAttendeeActivity whether to record list of attendees and their activities (chat, video) into a Recast. (0-1) CCAlwaysBottom Whether the closed captioning should be below the viewing area, or superimposed on it. (0-1) openInSameWindow 0=Open in a new window; 1=open in the same window as the login page POST Parameters ONLY: Optional: (bin) topBanner To ensure that the topBanner shows up, you must set the field 'showTopBanner' to 1, 2, or 3. (bin) marketingImage To ensure that the marketingImage shows up, you must set a value for 'marketingURL'
Sample Output:
<root> <param><![CDATA[name = my room2]]></param> <param><![CDATA[shorturl = room2]]></param> <param><![CDATA[slideShow = 2]]></param> <param><![CDATA[appShare = 1]]></param> . . . </root>
Create a New Room and Set Settings
This method allows you to create a new room, and set the room settings of the new room.
URL Call: ... (see list of parameters in Update Room Settings)
URL Parameters:
GET or POST Parameters: Required: (str) cID (company ID)
(str) cPW (company password)
(str) name (room name)
(str) shorturl (room's shorturl -- must be unique to the shorturls of other rooms for your company)
Optional: (see list of parameters in Update Room Settings)
Sample Output:
<root> <param><![CDATA[new room ID = 28924]]></param> <param><![CDATA[name = my room2]]></param> <param><![CDATA[shorturl = room2]]></param> <param><![CDATA[slideShow = 2]]></param> <param><![CDATA[appShare = 1]]></param> . . . </root>
Delete Room
This method allows you to delete a room permanently.
URL Call:
URL Parameters:
GET or POST Parameters: Required: (int) cID (company ID)
(str) cPW (company password)
(int) rID (roomID)
Sample Output:
<root> <status>success</status> </root>