The omNovia Recording Service API is a webservice used to enqueue and dequeue Recast recordings for MP4 conversion. You are also able to check the status of the queued recording.
Note: You will need to have a skilled web programmer who has a strong knowledge of programming languages such as PHP in order to implement these APIs.
API Methods
General information and base sample code
Check queue status for a Recast.
Queue a Recast to be converted to MP4.
Remove a Recast from the conversion queue.
General information and base sample code
Each of the API calls described below are able to be made via URL (GET) or CURL (POST).
$companyID = 1234; //Found in Modify Organization Settings section of the admin page $companyPass = 'password'; //Found in Modify Organization Settings section of the admin page $params = array('companyID' => $companyID, 'companyPass' => $companyPass, . . . ); $url = ""; function callRemote($url, $params, $returnResponse = true) { $c = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, $returnResponse); $response = curl_exec($c); curl_close($c); if ($returnResponse) return $response; }
Check queue status for a Recast
This method allows you to see the status of a Recast.
URL Call:
URL Parameters:
GET or POST Parameters:
(int) companyID (company ID)
(str) companyPass (company password)
(int) movieID (recastID)
Sample Output:
<?xml version ='1.0' encoding ='UTF-8' ?> <root> <movieID>56789</movieID> <movieDuration>985</movieDuration> <title>surveyTest01</title> <duration>985</duration> <width>1280</width> <height>800</height> <quality>0</quality> <hasVideo>0</hasVideo> <collapseChat>0</collapseChat> <collapseUserList>0</collapseUserList> <fitToScreen>1</fitToScreen> <hideMediaTabs>0</hideMediaTabs> <hideTopBannerOrLogo>0</hideTopBannerOrLogo> <hideClosedCaptions>0</hideClosedCaptions> <status>0</status> <formattedEstimatedWait>0 hours 27 mins</formattedEstimatedWait> </root>
Queue a Recast to be converted to MP4
This method allows you to queue a Recast to be converted to MP4.
URL Call: ... (see parameters below)
URL Parameters:
GET or POST Parameters:
(int) companyID (company ID)
(str) companyPass (company password)
(int) movieID (recastID)
(str) email (email address to send notification to)
(int) width (Only these combinations are allowed:)
(int) height (1280x800, 1024x768, 960x600, 800x600, 800x690, 720x480, 640x480)
(0,1) quality (0 = medium, 1 = high)
(0,1) hasVideo (0 = no video in the recast, 1 = video in the recast)
(0,1) collapseChat (to collapse chat panel or not)
(0,1) collapseUserList (to collapse user list or not)
(0,1) hideMediaTabs (to hide the media tab names or not)
(0,1) hideTopBannerOrLogo (to hide the banner or logo of the room)
(0,1) hideClosedCaptions (to hide closed captions or not)
Sample Output: (a full list of settings is return. For details, please see the update function)
<?xml version ='1.0' encoding ='UTF-8' ?> <root> <movieID>56789</movieID> <movieDuration>985</movieDuration> <title>surveyTest01</title> <duration>985</duration> <width>1280</width> <height>800</height> <quality>0</quality> <hasVideo>0</hasVideo> <collapseChat>0</collapseChat> <collapseUserList>0</collapseUserList> <fitToScreen>0</fitToScreen> <hideMediaTabs>0</hideMediaTabs> <hideTopBannerOrLogo>0</hideTopBannerOrLogo> <hideClosedCaptions>0</hideClosedCaptions> <status>0</status> <formattedEstimatedWait>0 hours 27 mins</formattedEstimatedWait> <statusText>Queued</statusText> </root>
Remove a Recast from the conversion queue
This method allows you to remove a Recast from the conversion queue.
URL Call:
URL Parameters:
GET or POST Parameters:
(int) companyID (company ID)
(str) companyPass (company password)
(int) movieID (recastID)
Sample Output:
<?xml version ='1.0' encoding ='UTF-8' ?> <root> <movieID>155655</movieID> <statusText>Dequeued</statusText> </root>
Download an MP4 Recast Conversion via the API
This method allows you to download an MP4 Recast Conversion via the API.
URL Call:
URL Parameters:
GET or POST Parameters:
(int) companyID (company ID)
(str) companyPass (company password)
(int) movieID (recastID)
Sample Output:
There is no screen output, just a prompt to download and save the file in your browser.
Get a report of MP4 conversions by date
This method allows you to get a report of MP4 conversions by date for the company ID used in the authentication.
URL Call:
URL Parameters:
GET or POST Parameters:
(int) companyID (company ID)
(str) companyPass (company password)
(str) startDate (Date Format: Y-m-d, ex: 2014-04-01 -- must be this format)
(str) endDate (Date Format: Y-m-d, ex: 2014-04-30 -- must be this format)
Sample Output:
<?xml version ='1.0' encoding ='UTF-8' ?> <root> <recast> <recastID>169070</recastID> <requestorName>API User</requestorName> <email></email> <convertedDate>2014-04-21</convertedDate> </recast> <recast> <recastID>166888</recastID> <requestorName>John Doe</requestorName> <email></email> <convertedDate>2014-04-29</convertedDate> </recast> . . . </root>